The Kumbh Travelogue by Anuj Tikku – Review

Category: Non-fiction
The Kumbh Travelogue 2019 review

The Kumbh Travelogue by Anuj Tikku is a classic travel memoir that helps the readers recreate and relive the moments of an event that has passed. Kumbh 2019 was the biggest and perhaps the most successful Mela organised by the UP government. About 15 crore people visited Prayagraj between 14 January and March 4 – you can simply imagine the rush, the atmosphere and the devotion in the hearts of these devotees who came from different parts of the world to have the chance for a holy dip in the Holy Sangam – Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati.

Anuj Tikku’s Kumbh Travelogue is also decorated with many pictures – Sants, Sadhus, Akhadas, Shivirs, people, his one rupee drive, and so on… The book records the days spent by Anuj and the things observed by him during the Kumbh Mela. Many of you might have been there and many of you might not have been there in the Kumbh. So, for those readers who have not been to Kumbh this time, Anuj Tikku’s book will be very entertaining, exciting and also equal to the near experience of being in the city of Sangam.

“So, I walked all the way to witness the shahi akhadas jostle each other for supremacy moving forward through the maze of the crowd on their trucks, tractors, jeeps and buses. All men wielded swords or spears. Some even had a Naga Baba or two sitting on top of the bonnet of a tractor.”

The book shares the joy of being at the world’s largest gathering of people celebrating the joy of a religious belief – the Prayagraj’s Sangam where all of the sins of a man or woman can be washed off by a dip of faith! Anuj Tikku has written in detail about the arrangements, about the events, about the sanyasis who were there and also about the joy on people’s faces. By reading this, I was almost visualising what the author might have felt at the time he saw the things he wrote in his book.

To further enhance the experience of reading about Kumbh’s magnificence, the author has included so many photos that he took. The details and the motive behind Anuj’s 1 rupee drive will also inspire the readers to contribute in whatsoever way they can to the betterment of our society.

And at the end, to conclude my thoughts on this book, I will only say that by reading this, I could almost relive the moments even without being present at the Kumbh. Readers can also watch the videos of Kumbh on author’s YouTube channel. You can buy a copy of this very well-written travel memoir from Amazon Kindle by following the link below:

Buy Anuj’s The Kumbh Travelogue: A Photo Journey on Amazon

review by Ashish for Egoistic Readers

The Kumbh Travelogue: A Photo Journey

205 rs



Scene Depictions




Overall Reading Experience



  • Description
  • Images
  • Narrative


  • Repetition at times
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