Sense and Syllogism: Logic in Life – Book Review – Aparna Tulpule

Category: Non-fiction
Sense and Syllogism by Aparna Tulpule Logic book review

There are certain non-fiction books that make you feel surprised when you read those. Why? Generally, we don’t suppose the non-fictional titles to be curiosity builders or page-turners or even casually readable. However, a recent title that I read by Aparna Tulpule, has proved these generally associated facts with non-fiction books wrong. I am certainly excited to share with you guys a quality book on ‘Logic’ – Sense and Syllogism: Logic in Life.

The book is useful for the students who have to study logic as a part of their syllabus – school, college or university. It introduces the readers to the very basic facts about logic. Moreover, it also introduces to other aspects that relate to logic – statement, affirmatives, negations, hypothesis, facts, truth, truth relation and many others that will be understood by the readers of this book irrespective of their present conditions.

The content of this book is simplified. It serves the purpose of introducing the readers to the associated ideas very well. Moreover, the research by the author is commendable. She has also added the list of references and readings at the end of her book; this is praiseworthy. The readers who are interested in the subject can get those books and further enhances their grip over the subject.

Aparna has used a straightforward narrative in her book. She did not rely too much on anything. Her title is supported by the content and content, in turn, is very well supported by the narrative that introduces the readers to the content of the chapters in a comprehensive and easy manner. Examples and hypothetical scenarios have been used very well except for the repetitive use of religious analogies that has horribly gone wrong. I don’t want to get into the depth of that but that certainly gives a hint of the author’s political bias and certainly the contextual ignorance.

Sense and Syllogism: Logic in Life, thus, gets a thumbs up from my side. Many readers on Goodreads have expressed their bitter-sweet opinions about the book. I think that this book, even being non-fiction and rather academic, has the capabilities to arrest a reader’s attention for the time one reads the book. It makes acquiring new knowledge about ‘logic’ as an academic subject light and fun. You learn as you read. You think as you learn. This experience will be new to many and also very interesting to many others. All the best!

Buy the book:
You can get a copy of the title by Aparna Tulpule from Amazon India. Here’s the link to buy the book:

get a copy – click here

review by Rahul for Egoistic Readers

Sense & Syllogism: Logic in Life

100 Rs








  • Simple & easy to read
  • Comprehensive introduction to the subject


  • Too academic at times
  • A few avoidable examples
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