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Category: Updates

Hello, readers! Welcome to our world – the world of Egoistic Readers! We are readers in constant anticipation for good, bad, neutral, beautiful and ugly books. We read every kind. We read every letter. We read every word. We read anything that is thrown at us and everything that we extract from the archives of our library, your library and their libraries.

We at Egoistic Readers believe that every good book demands a huge readership and equally, every bad book deserves a wide readership to ensure that we understand what to read and what to miss. Now, there are also some neutral books that we need to read without interest and just let that pass.

We are the masters in the art of book reviewing. We are the professionals in the business of words. We read. We rate. We share our reviews. We build opinions. We influence the readers with our forceful opinions which come directly from our conscious and are honest to the deepest cores of thoughts. We do influence; we are never influenced!

For readers of fiction, non-fiction and academic books, we are the proactive readers offering our opinions on popular and forgotten books. For the publishers, writers and academicians, we are the beta-readers to test their writing, publishing or the concept – at the very first gate.

So, readers, if you want to continue reading quality book reviews and our frank and honest opinions on literary topics, literature, Indian fiction and many other ideas, start following our website – Egoistic Readers. You can hit the subscribe button after entering your email address and you will be subscribed to our list. We will send you emails very rarely with a list of all our articles and reviews – maybe once in 15 days.

All the best to everyone who reads! All the best to our book bloggers who read to review. All the best to the publishers who have associated with us even when the website was not live. Let’s make this venture a great one and keep spreading good words of literature.

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