The Rise of Crime-thriller Genre in India

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Out of many novelists who have made their names as crime thriller authors in India, there are many who are rather new and still rising. Some of them are even with a single novel to their names. Behind the rise and popularity of novelists, there is a great importance of the rise of this genre itself. Modern readers like reading thrillers, crime fiction and novels that provide action with entertainment. Gone are the days when readers used to read the novels that offered them very large part sentimental ideas and a very negligible part of action sequence. Today, a novelist has to keep things in appropriate proportion in order to keep the readers hooked with the novel until the end.

Among many new authors who recently became popular with their crime thriller novels, Ravi Dabral has impressed many readers with his debut work Greed Lust Addiction. This novel is a mix of crime thriller and spiritual fiction. Still, with his impressive skills at plot creation, Ravi Dabral has certainly become one among the best crime thriller novelists in India. His novel has been liked by the readers and critics alike. In a nutshell, the novel offers the story of an investigative journalist who is supposed to be murdered but comes alive to seek justice for himself and many!

On the other hand, the rise of crime thriller novels in India has pushed many other genres on the backseat. For example, there was a time in India that people used to read novels like Kanthapura and The Guide. Gradually, the trend died and many new novelists emerged who offered very different works. The present generation of readers is very different as it likes reading (most of them) adventure, action and animated works. To meet the demands, even the authors like Ashwin Sanghi have to fuse thriller elements in their novel and the experiments with thriller and spiritual mix are becoming very successful. Amish and Ashwin and even Ravi Dabral for that sake are some of the greatest examples!

How many crime thrillers have you read? Or you like reading other genres too? You can get some of the best novels in crime thriller genre from Amazon and enjoy reading them: click here to buy novels at great prices from Amazon

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by a contributor to Egoistic Readers

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