The Shambala Sutras by Aurijit Ganguli blends modern quest with ancient wisdom

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The Shambala Sutras book Aurijit ganguli novel

Many new novels reach on the reading desks of many readers in India every week and only a few of them are capable to extract appreciation from most of the readers while a few become successful in drawing an average response from a few readers and most of them die down unnaturally because of lack of serious content. However, this sentiment does not take away the fact that there are many new novelists in India who are coming up with original content, fresh ideas, and exciting themes that offer the readers a few hours or a few days of reading pleasure. One such novelist is Aurijit Ganguli and his debut novel, based on a spiritual, religious and mythological theme, is The Shambala Sutras. The novelist has tried to look beyond merely exciting his readers to providing them with information, experience and ideas that they might cherish.

Running a little beyond 200 pages, the novel offers a quick read as I did not feel like pulling my brakes even for a while. The Shambala Sutras mixes ancient history, mythology and fiction in the present context in such a way that it would appeal not only to the lovers of mythological novels but to anyone interested in reading something that goes beyond the usual drab we read every day. For this, Aurijit Ganguli should be congratulated. The novel is fast, balanced, rich in theme and certainly gripping in terms of the plot.

A reader who is interested in the history of Shambala will find the book very close to all the possible angles one might think to explore and it emphasises the investment in research that the novelist may have made. Moreover, there are images, illustrations and a beautiful connection with spirituality that any other fiction writer might not have thought of including in a novel – Aurijit has taken the risk and I am sure it has paid off in terms of bettering the impact of the novel.

Though this is the very first novel by this emerging novelist who runs a business in Bangalore, we might well be ready for many others in the near future because the novelist is interested in taking things further. And, keeping the fact in mind that it is the debut attempt, a reader will certainly appreciate the effort made by the author as he has beautifully threaded his fiction with a delicate balance between imagination and realistic exhibition of events. You will not feel like reading an entirely out of synchronisation novel as you might do when you read Amish. In terms of the portrayal of events, the novel is more like a work by Ashwin Sanghi.

Are you ready for the secrets of Shambala? Are you ready for the exciting explorations by a team of researchers? Are you ready to go beyond the usual romance you read most of the times? You should read The Shambala Sutras right away! You will read the final review on our website very soon.

By a book lover for Egoistic Readers

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