The Plight of a Mother by Phidalia Toi – Review

Category: Non-fiction
The Plight of a Mother Phidalia Review

The Plight of a Mother is a personal and abridged autobiography written by author Phidalia Toi who has written many other books and continues to do so. This book traces the hard times or the difficult days in the life of Phidalia and also her daughter Laleleki who suffered from cancer. This book is dedicated to the sufferings, feelings, courage and prayers of a mother and eventually all the mothers who stand up for their children in the toughest of the times and never lose hope or confidence.

With messages by different persons at the beginning of the book, it opens with the discouraging message that Phidalia’s daughter is diagnosed with cancer. And then and there, the fight against misfortune begins – a fight in which a mother stands firm with her daughter and encourages her at every step to take the fight bravely and defeat the disease, eventually. Inevitably, the author has become too emotional at times.

The chapters begin with random (but perfectly picked) verses from The Bible. God’s will has been lingering over the narrative throughout the book. It seems that the author only had God to communicate to and she did it frequently.

“Alone in the lodge, I began to miss my parents so much. If my mother were alive I could have shared my problems with her. Besides, my husband’s deafness cut off any communication by phone between him and me.”

The language used in the book is simple and straightforward and that’s the reason that the messages come across very clearly and directly. And that’s what makes the book emotional and appealing to the readers. Phidalia Toi has been frank about the tough phase of her life in The Plight of A Mother and that’s what makes this book a motivational work of written art for many mothers who have to go through any severe problem.

The book has been divided into 16 chapters and most of them are directly inspired by the events. However, some of them also come inspired by God, God’s plan and submission to God. My Heavenly Father Heard Me, God Shows The Way, The Lord is My Shepherd and so on… it’s true that we only look above when all the doors are shut here!

It was an emotional read for me and I also liked the way Phidalia has described everything. I won’t reveal the conclusion because that’s something the readers should find out themselves. However, her book will bring positivity, courage and determination! You can also get a copy of the book from Amazon India. The link is given below:

Buy the book – click here

Buy the Book – Marathi Edition

review by Amit for Egoistic Readers

The Plight of a Mother




Concept & Storytelling


Readers' Attraction


Overall Reading Experience



  • Simple
  • Easy Read


  • Personal
  • Not for casual readers
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