Tatva, Soul & Karma – Tanuj Lalchandani – Book Review

Category: Non-fiction
Tatva, Soul & Karma book review

Religious books often tend to take different turns these days. The curios readers remain with their expectations unfulfilled. However, there are the books, in the religious genre, that rather focus on delivering useful content to the readers than doing anything else. Tatva, Soul & Karma is a title by Delhi-based spiritual healer and astrologer Tanuj Lalchandani. Famous and respected for his unmatched skills in astrology, Tanuj Lalchandani’s second book is equally amazing. His first book was Treasure Trove of Zodiacs, a book that unfolded the secrets of Zodiac signs and their effects and influences on human life. His second book, the present one – Tatva, Soul and Karma, is more specifically focused on religious rituals and simple methods that can help individuals in making their lives happy by pleasing certain Gods and Goddesses of Hindu Dharma.

The book mainly focuses on major Hindu Gods and Goddesses and the most correct ways to offer them worship in order to get well-being and right direction in life. Tanuj has simplified the complex knowledge of Vedas and ancient scriptures for the common readers who are interested in knowing more on this. Other than the ways to worship and please Gods and Goddesses, the author has also added interesting stories about them that many of the readers must not be knowing. Moreover, there are also essential pieces of information on Hindu religion – Karma, Dashavtar, Rudraksha and its importance, origin and story, Yoga, and many other things that will be useful and informative for the current generation can be found in the book. In short, the content is amazing and it makes Tatva, Soul and Karma a must-read book!

You must know:
The book comes in a premium packaging and it’s a premium book by all means. Once you buy the book, you will not only be happy but also satisfied with the way your book comes to you and appears to you. In many years of my reading life, I seldom saw a religious book like this one is! You will find premium photographs of Gods and Goddesses, glossy pages, attractive cover and very articulating background imagery on the pages. You will love it, in short.

Are you ready to buy?
You can watch this video made by Indian Book Critics team on YouTube – Tatva, Soul & Karma video review and know more about this book if you want to. However, if you are already prepared to get a copy of this book, you can buy it directly from Amazon here:

Buy the book – click here to get a copy from Amazon

review by Rahul for Egoistic Readers

Tatva, Soul & Karma

995 Rs







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