Demythsifying Myths: Demystifying 18 Myths about India – Review

Category: Non-fiction
Demythsifying Myths amit bagaria review

Demythsifying Myths: Demystifying 18 Myths about India is a non-fiction book by famous author Amit Bagaria who is known for his writings in political, strategic and external as well as intelligence affairs. His writings are considered to be the benchmarks of the respective genres because of the efforts that he put in his works. Demythsifying Myths has been impressing the readers for many months now as the book takes a second look on many ‘accepted’ beliefs by Indians – Gandhi as a saint, Nehru as the chacha, the truth about continued Congress dynasty on the top of the Indian constitution, confusions about Kashmir and so on… the author has made it easy for the readers to understand the nuances as well as the elaborated truths. 


Demythsifying Myths amit bagaria review


What will you find in the book? 

As a reader, the cover will give you ample idea of what you might be expected inside. However, once you begin reading the book, you will be introduced to the concept (and before that, the reviews) of the book, and then the first chapter that raises questions whether India, as a country, is really 5,000 years old or not. And then, the author takes digs at ‘Mahatma’ Gandhi and questions the very title ascribed to him (by whom?). He goes on to asking tough questions and giving some interesting facts about Gandhi before Amit Bagaria takes on the special statuses that Nehru enjoys. Questioning Feroze, India and the corruption that Congress did, Amit Bagaria also tries to simplify the issues of Kashmir, Hindustan, Hindu Rashtra and also the confusion of Upper House and the President-system by Prime Minister system of the democracy. He ends with the introduction to himself and a very funny end-note (at the end of the last chapter where Bagaria argues that presidency is the better system than prime minister political system that we have in India and many other countries have). 

Who should read this book? 

Without much ado, I will simply say that this book is a very sound read for any kind of reader falling in any age-group. It offers something for everyone. It tries to unveil some of the dirtiest secrets and some of the bed-talks that most of the readers must not know. Moreover, because this book dares to pose difficult questions, this book must be commended for the courage of its author as well! Amit Bagaria has not disappointed as a myth-buster as well as a storyteller. His art of writing will impress the readers who go through this book. So, in short, this book is ideal for every kind of reader! 

Where to buy the book? 

You can get a copy of the book from Amazon India. Click on the link given below and get a copy – Kindle or the paperback: 

buy the book – click here

review by Aditya Sharma 

Demythsifying Myths

124 Rs







Ease of Reading





  • Well-Researched
  • Easy to Read
  • Myth-buster


  • May seem biased to some
  • List of fact-backers not provided
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