4 Non-fiction books you should read in April 2020

Category: Book Recommendations
4 non-fiction books read in April 2020

Most of the reviewers are often discussing the best fiction books to read. However, when it comes to non-fiction books, there are very little choices that any critic offers to his or her readers. In that case, today I am here to share the best non-fiction books that I think will help the readers not only pass their time really but also add to the knowledge that already exists with someone. Are you ready? Here is my list of 4 recommended non-fiction books that you must read.

1. Death: An Inside Story by Sadhguru: Sadhguru is someone who does not require any introduction. One of India’s and the world’s leading mystic, religious leader and Sadhu, Sadhguru has yet again hit the book lovers’ conscience with his title Death: An Inside Story. The book has been released on Maha Shivaratri, 21 February 2020. This is a book that has been divided into three different sections and 12 chapters. It will tell the readers how to die peacefully and accept that death is a part of one’s journey in life. Death, Sadhguru argues, is a fundamental truth and we cannot skip it. Once you begin reading this book, you will only keep losing more and more of your fear about death. A must-read by all means! Buy the ebook or paperback copy now and enjoy:

Buy the book – click here to buy

2. Freedom from the Known:
Jiddu Krishnamurti, unlike any other philosopher, preached about accepting the truth and also accepting that certain truths are beyond one’s comprehension. Freedom from the Known is a book that possesses immense importance. Originally in the form of ideas and answers to questions and occasional writings and speeches, the book has compiled all those into a collection and this is what we have. Freedom from the Known is a must-read book for all those who are afraid of meagre and major realities of life, relates around us and the TRUTH at large. I am sure the readers will like this book. You can get a copy of the same by clicking the link below:

Buy the book – click here for Amazon India

3. Chanakya Neeti by Chanakya (Kautilya):
Is there anything in policy and politics that can surpass this text? The mere weight of words is so much that we still sing praises for this wonderful collection of lines. Chanakya Neeti is one of the finest books you will ever read on how to lead a life that benefits you the most without putting you into any kind of trouble. You can win the battles against yourself and your enemies (ideological or otherwise) if you follow the rulebook of Chanakya. Get a copy of this wonderful edition from Amazon India by clicking the link below:

Buy the book from Amazon – click here

4. Savarkar: Echoes from a forgotten past by Vikram Sampath: Why do you know Savarkar? What do you know about laudable Veer Savarkar? How much do you know? All your queries may be answered by reading this wonderful biography of Veer Savarkar, an intellectual and eminent freedom fighter, written by Vikram Sampath. This biography is published by penguin and has done very well in the market. You should not miss your chance to know more and in details about Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. Click the Amazon India link below to get your copy now:

Buy the book – click here to go to Amazon India and buy

So, dear readers, this was my list for the day and I kept it short because I don’t want to baffle and overpower you with choices. These are the best for now and I will be back with more lists in the future.

By Anish for Egoistic Readers

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Akhilesh Verma
    April 11, 2020 12:50 am

    This is a wonderful collection… I am sitting home all day because of lockdown and I will surely read at least 2 books from this list. Thank you, guys!


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