Books you can read to quench your random curiosity – a list

Category: Book Recommendations
Book Recommendations by Egoistic Readers book blog

Though I have read almost every kind of book that may be in print – from different genres to the traditionally accepted classics, cult series like Bond and Bourne, Holmes and Dracula, Potter and Greys… in Indian writing, I have read books in Hindi, English, translated from various languages and more. In short, I have not left any void that might be called out for its large proportion in the circle of my readings. This is the truth. However, recently, while discovering what next to read, I have come across books that are more than interesting, maybe a little weird according to the standards of some people, but surely worth the time, you will invest in such titles. Based on my readings, I will share a list of a few books that you might like reading in your leisure.

The Vertical Plane by Ken Webster: Accidently stumbled upon this book and found it pretty boring in the beginning. However, once I got to know the history of this one and the context, I started reading it with a complex interest and every page sounded like some mischievous signal from some unknown space in some unknown part of the universe – the multiverse! Yes, in this controversial or popularly notorious book, Ken Webster, the author, claims that he used an age-old BBC computer to chat with some guy from the mid 16th century and another guy from the year 2109… can you believe this? Well, that doesn’t matter because the book will keep you engaged. You will find many things that will raise your hair and many things that might compel you to believe that everything in front of you is just a fake, a hoax protracted into a book. However, this complex struggle within one’s mind is the zenith any author can achieve!
Buy the book from Amazon India – click here

The Mammoth Book of Unexplained Phenomena by Roy Bainton: This is another book in the series that will keep you at your toes until you finish it and reach that side… with conflicts in your mind, surprise in your thoughts and bizarre feeling for the unexplained in your heart. I enjoyed it, remained curious all the way to the end and could not believe many of the stories, to be frank. However, we cannot experience unless we actually experience and this is the only explanation that I could give my mind. Nevertheless, reading this book does give you excitement and an urge to know more. You can get this book from Amazon India here: Buy the book now – click here

The Greatest Mysteries of the Unexplained by Andrew Holland & Lucy Doncaster: You will find a number of events, phenomena, events, incidents and accidents in this book that are only documented because those were unexplained, could not be substantiated further or just closed because nobody could give further explanations… sort of conspiracy theories bundle that will keep you awake in your bed. This book added colour to my lonely holidays and I truly liked the rush of excitement in my mind for the time I was indulged with this book. You can get a copy from Amazon India here: Buy the book now – click here to get a copy


I will leave you here today because I don’t want to add similar books to the list so that I ruin your reading pleasure. These are the best ones that I have selected for the list from about 10 books that I have read in recent months. So, get yourself ready for a journey that will be like none other in the past and you are going to enjoy it… absolutely enjoy it for sure!

List by Nishant for Egoistic Readers

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