The Chronicle of Golgotha Days – Review

Category: Novels
The Chronicle of Golgotha Days Sujith review

The Chronicle of Golgotha Days is a novel recently published by Frog Books (Leadstart Publication) and written by Sujith Balakrishnan. The novel has been written in such a time that every author wants to shoot for fame by writing something non-serious or erotic or posing as having written something utterly personal. Sujith, instead, has taken up a cause – a cause to bring injustice to the light and inspire people to fight against it and that’s why his novel becomes meaningful literature. The Chronicle of Golgotha Days is based on the 1996 Suryanelli rape case of a 16-year-old girl who was subjected to immense physical and mental torture and rape by as many as 42 people. You might be interested in knowing that the case is still going on!

The novel portrays the central character as Abhaya and she is the one who narrates the story of horror and pain in her words. Abhaya tells the readers how he fell in love with a greedy person working as a bus conductor and he left her betrayed after obtaining her ornaments. And then, the story of Abhaya’s misfortune begins. A 16-year-old girl is raped by many people for many days and she almost dies every day – mentally and physically. When she tries to think of escaping or running away to her family, she stops just by the thought of these dangerous people who always threaten to harm her family. Politicians, officers, advocates, businesspersons and many and many… the novel exposes many people who walk on the streets posing as responsible citizens and living a luxurious life among us.

About the novel’s content and cause, there can be no problems! Any reader who understands what a serious novel is will like this debut work by Sujith Balakrishnan. However, the art of writing a novel is something that comes to a novelist naturally and eventually. It takes time! So, as a serious reader, a person might feel that the novel could have been a little better. At times, a reader might feel contracted because, Abhaya’s plight, at times, falls short of the novel’s drive. However, within the limitations of the art of writing fiction, The Chronicle of Golgotha Days is a novel that will certainly impress many readers.

I will recommend this novel to the readers who want to read realistic fiction or have just tired themselves by reading a lot of contemporary fiction with no literary value. All you readers, you will find Sujith’s attempt much worthier than many things you might have read recently. Give it a try. Get a copy of this novel from the Amazon link below:

Buy the novel by Sujith – click here to buy from Amazon

Review by Ashish for Egoistic Readers

The Chronicle of Golgotha Days

99 Rs



Concept & Storytelling


Readers' Attraction


Overall Reading Experience



  • Easy Language
  • Meaningful Concept
  • Emotional & Evoking


  • Limited at times
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