The ON Side of Office by Himanshu Saxena – Review

Category: Non-fiction
The ON Side of Office Himanshu book review

I guess it was long due that someone writes about the experiences and life in an office, objectively, without any ‘added flavours’. However, I was also sure that such a book, mostly nonfictional, would tend to be boring and colourless that only a section of readers can read and enjoy. Well, I accept that my prediction, the latter one, has turned to be wrong as I have read the book The ON Side of Office by Himanshu Saxena recently. In his book, the author has shared his experience of the professional life of 16 years. He has also left quite a few meaningful and essential pieces of advice for the newcomers to ‘office’. And to my surprise, despite being serious in nature, the book is lighter and interesting in tone and it won’t make anyone feel dodged while reading!

So, the professional autobiography or a guidebook on office life begins with the very first day with all nervousness, confusion, anticipation, hopes and fear in the mind. How does getting a job change everything around a person? The author writes about it very convincingly and any reader who has experienced getting the very first job should concur with the thoughts of Himanshu Saxena. The ON Side of Office connects with the readers from the very first assertion it makes.

In 11 chapters, the book covers almost every aspect associated with one’s professional life – getting the job to making new friends and spending life with one’s computer, requesting for leaves and playing the ‘role’ in a team and finally leaving the job to close the chapter of corporate in life. The discussions by Himanshu on appraisals and celebrations in the office are also very communicating and advisable for the young readers.

Critically, should I say that this book on professional life is a must read for those who are about to enter the first glass door of their career? Well, maybe yes! The book has been written wonderfully and it touches almost all the possible variables that a youngster would like to know and understand before he signs the very first contract of his life to become an employee of a company!

And on a different note, the book has been written in a friendly language and it serves the purpose well. The storytelling technique of the author is well-balanced and the book won’t let you feel down. It’s like reading someone’s account of the life that might benefit yours. However, there are a few downsides to the book as well. Sometimes, some readers might feel ‘too much’ when the author details unused LAN cables, landlines, computers, and technical stuff that most of us are familiar with these days. The details could be wrapped up quickly and Himanshu could have focused on the main purpose – describing one’s life in office minus describing office.

Overall, the book is very interesting and I admit to having read something like this for the first time. I am sure that it will be a good shift from reading regular fiction copies for many readers like me. You can get a copy of this book from Amazon India link below. Do let me know your thoughts in the comment section. Happy reading!

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review by Nishant for Egoistic Readers

The ON Side of Office

148 Rs



Engaging Content




Overall Reading Experience



  • Style
  • Storytelling
  • Language


  • Too detailed at times
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