2 States: The Story of My Marriage – Chetan Bhagat

Category: Novels
2 States Chetan Bhagat Book Review

Ananya and Krish – one Tamil and one Punjabi; they bump into each other and discuss the proposal poetry before realising that they need to get bedded and have sex before they decide whether to take it ahead of bury it. And they find their marriage to be tough – proposing the marriage to a girl might be easy but proposing ‘a marriage’ to the parents MUST be tough. This is what Chetan Bhagat implies in two states and he is partially right minus the boring narrative, roadside language and a plotless plot in his 2009 novel Two States. What else is there in the book? Why did it sell so well? Why do young readers still read it? 

Chetan Bhagat’s writing style developed with time and he began writing more youth-oriented books. He knows very well that mention of sex and smart, cheap and dude things will get the attention he wants – among the teenagers, youths, students and mostly, the IIT-IIM guys (well, nowadays, they are rather smarter). Ananya-Krish saga has nothing more than a usual affair which we see going on around us every day. So, why should one read the novel? Two States must be the melting point of the idea that the readers want to read about what goes around them rather than what might have gone – linking the pages to the things present now. This has worked well for Chetan Bhagat. So, the theme is nice. 

The plot, however, is so weak that it cannot control the readers (who are serious) for long. If you have read better novels in the past, this is not for you as you will feel overtaken by the excessive simplifying of the cases. And to further add to the insufficiency, Chetan Bhagat has used just a no-language in this novel to communicate his stupid plot to the readers. There is a too-lacking storyline that becomes too obvious with time. More than that, which matters only to the readers with a mind of the cynic critic, the story gets weird, confusing and then, finally, out of one’s tolerance capabilities. 

“I went into Bala’s office. He shut the door softly as possible. He drew the blinds and put the phone off the hook. Either he wants to fire me or molest me, I thought.”

To conclude my review, this is just about time that you read the novel as it begins and realise what might be waiting inside. You cannot read it if you have read better novels before. However, if you are a new guy into the world of fiction and want to satisfy your sense by reading a mediocre novel, you are most welcome to read 2 States by Chetan Bhagat! You can get a copy of the novel from Amazon India by clicking the link below: 

buy the novel – click to buy from Amazon India 

review by Gaurav Sharma for Egoistic Readers 

PS: On a serious note, the occasional humour from Chetan Bhagat will not amuse you. It might enrage you or just make you a boiling pot ready to explode right on his face. 

2 States

141 Rs





Plot & Theme


Ease of Reading


Reading Interest



  • Easy reading like all Chetan Literature


  • Lacks credible plot
  • Lacks credible language
  • Lacks interest-arousing twists
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