13 untitled and weird poems by Alok Mishra – Book Review

Category: Poetry
13 untitled and weird poems book review

Book: 13 untitled and weird poems
Author: Alok Mishra
Genre: Poetry
Published: 2018
Published by: Amazon Asia Pacific
Pages: 13
Reviewed by: Ashish Pandey for Egoistic Readers
Rating: 4/5 stars

Indian English poetry has often seen shifts – from this to that or from here to there. The matter of the fact is that it has never been steady. In times that we are living, Indian English poetry has seen different kinds of upgrades or you can say changes in the theme – some pleasant and some utterly chaotic. Today, I will be reviewing a book for you that changes it all – 13 Untitled and Weird Poems by Alok Mishra. A little poetry book that can be read in 5 minutes but might take a day in grasping all the ideas that are there in the book.

The collection begins with an introduction that is short and succinct. It doesn’t talk about the nature of poetry inside. It talks about the poet only. Once you start reading the collection and interact with the first of the 13 poems, you actually realise that the poems are quite unconventional, modern and almost confusing. However, that’s what I was talking about – modern poems!

Alok Mishra’s writings have been popular recently. He has written several poems for various platforms but such writings that are in the collection here have never been published before. Yes, the hints might have been there in the public domain. There is something that’s quite noteworthy in the poems – that something varies among the readers. For someone that might be the jumping language and interpretation and for another one that might be the hectic rhythms of the poems.

One poem is as short as a single word – change. And no poems have been ascribed titles, as you could easily guess from the title of the poetry collection. Moreover, the poems come in a time when we are almost realising the potential of Indian English poetry, all of a sudden. It’s good for the readers and also good for the poet

To critically sum up the collection, I can easily suggest all the poetry lovers read the present collection – 13 Untitled and Weird Poems by Alok Mishra. This is a collection that will challenge the readers to frame their interpretations and justify them.

You can get a copy of the book from the link below:

Buy Alok Mishra’s poetry collection – click here

review by Ashish Pandey for Egoistic Readers

13 untitled and weird poems
  • Egoistic Readers Rating


A healthy and unconventional collection of poems that will compel the readers to think and pondering…

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