The Mystery Mountains by Aurijit Ganguli – Book Review

Category: Novels
The Mystery Mountains book review Aurijit Ganguli Egoistic Reader

Wow, is the first word that, in no time, blurted out of my mouth as soon as I finished Aurijit Ganguli’s new book, The Mystery Mountains. And then I took a sigh of relief. Literally, I did. Like his debut book, it too is a fast-running story that takes you deep in the Andes Mountain ranges. How can you run while trekking on a narrow trail? The story is purely original and gives you a feel of watching a Hollywood movie. However, akin to The Shambala Sutras, this too has left an unforgettable impression on my mind. In this article (and book review), I will write my opinions about the book.

The experience of reading this book is similar to walking on an empty road, in a dark stormy night, without knowing in which direction you are heading. And then suddenly, the moon peeps out from the cloud to guide you on your way. In this book, the people with higher consciousness lead the three protagonists, Lisa, Arjun, and Marcos. You must be knowing Lisa and Arjun if you have read the author’s first book. In this book, they continue. Instead of introducing new characters, Aurijit has paired them up with Marcos, an archaeologist and anthropologist, for the new mission, for a new trek. He imbrues the story with a well-researched historical and spiritual depth that holds its own fascination. And as Marcos’ dolorous past come to light and his secret swell to bursting, the book becomes more and more page-turner. However, what appears to be a thriller is something beyond your imagination.

The Mystery Mountains won’t let you sit comfortably. As there is scarcely any comfort in the book. There are many things in this book where you feel the need to surf the internet just to get a better idea about things. It would be the only time you can relax for a while and breathe normally. Otherwise, it doesn’t allow you a moment to stop anywhere. As it is not a light read – it is, in fact, unrelentingly unsettling and suspenseful. The Squally and uncanny atmosphere of Andes Mountain ranges, which holds many mysteries, makes it deeper. Narrow, steep pebble-ridden pass and creepy twists and turns make you breathe heavily constantly.

If there’s a flaw running through The Mystery Mountains, it is that Aurijit explains more about the places involved than needed. And, at times, it turns the book into a guide for tourists who come for the first time to visit Peru. I think, to an extent, it is acceptable as it gives you the feeling that you’re there in real-time with the three protagonists. But, an overdose of information has its own side effects. It might derail the enjoyment that the quick-moving storyline brings to the readers who are there to extract information, entertainment, excitement and satisfaction from this particular reading experience.

The surface of the book, of course, is arresting, but further you go with the story it keeps on getting exorbitantly productive, enthralling and exhilarating. Overall, The Mystery Mountains is a highly thought and impressively written novel. As a mystery novel, it offers the depths of riddles and clue-hunting experiences that should generally be joined by the readers along with the protagonists…

You can grab a copy from Amazon India and start reading this novel this weekend. Click the link below to get a copy now:

Buy the novel from the Amazon India platform – click here 


Review by an Egoistic Reader

The Mystery Mountains by Aurijit Ganguli – Book Review
  • Egoistic Fiction Score


The Mystery Mountains by Aurijit Ganguli is a novel that brings entertainment loaded with excitement, energy, mystery and very big revelations that will shock the readers… Aurijit has worked on this very hard and his novel brings the deep-rooted seeds of history to the readers as a plant… do read it!

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