The 100 Best Business Books of All Time – Review

Category: Non-fiction
The 100 Best Business Books of All Time review

As a reader and also a reviewer of books for Egoistic Readers, I have read so many business books (but recently started reviewing so will do these reviews one by one). However, when it comes to picking the best business books, the task certainly becomes difficult for anyone, including me. However, I came across a book that actually lines up the 100 best business books of all time… does it sound amazing? Well, the title of this book is The 100 Best Business Books of All Time and it has been authored by Jack Covert and Todd Satertson and also Sally Haldorson. The book contains the reviews of top 100 business books by these three critics and yes, they have included the gold standards as well as some books that we often miss… 


The 100 Best Business Books of All Time review


What do you find in the book? 

Once you start reading this book, you will not be surprised but certainly, be impressed with the intention of the authors. They have not tried to make it difficult, complicated or confusing for the readers. Covert and Satertson have kept it minimal, clean and straightforward. Their intention is to let the readers know about the 100 best business books (according to them) by putting short and sharp and meaningful book reviews as chapters. The authors have been pointed, factual and a little lenient as well. In between the reviews of different books, at times, you can also find the lists of suggested books, further readings and highlighted books which are useful. 

Critical Appreciation of the Book: 

Though the book offers only the opinions by the reviewers on various other books, still, you can get a sense of the books included as the 100 best business books. The books which are seminal works such as Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective People and Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People, Getting Things Done by David Allen and The Story Factor by Annette Simmons and many quality books are also on the list. So, the readers of this book will have a lot to enjoy and a lot new to learn. And I guess that you will be curious enough to read all the books on the list if you haven’t read them.

The reviews have been written in persuasive language and the authors of this book might be giving you impressions that the books they are reviewing have been picked and are special. Which, to be frank, of course, are the best in the business! 

Ideal Readers of this book: 

If you are a student, you should read this book to get a sense of some of the best business books of all time. If you are a businessman already, you can read this book to know where and how to improve by getting time-tested advice from the best people. If you are just curious, you can read this book to know the details (in brief) and names of some of the best business-book authors and their works. So, in any case, the book is highly suitable for every kind of readers. 

Where to buy the book? 

You can buy a copy of this book from Amazon India by clicking the link below. 

Buy the book – click here 

review by Aditya Sharma for Egoistic Readers 

The 100 Best Business Books of All Time

510 Rs







Ease of Reading





  • Easy to Read
  • Great Collection of Books
  • Sharp and Simple Reviews


  • Reviews are favourable (it had to be)
  • Reviews Ignore the 'Cons' Completely
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