These bookmarks will make your reading experience even better! Get these here…

Category: Opinions
bookmarks for readers book lovers egoistic readers blog

Do you use bookmarks?

Is that question out of the blue for you? Ah! Then you are not the reader I am writing this article for. All those readers who are deep into reading will surely understand how important bookmarks become. And I am not talking about any bookmark, I am rather talking about subtly designed, detailed and soothing as well as stylish bookmarks that just enhance the overall appeal of one’s reading session! Let me confess that I am as bigger a fan of bookmarks as of the books that are rare, old and limited copies in print. I have a collection of such books. You can assume the same about my bookmarks as well.


Why are bookmarks important?

Bookmarks are not only for show-off purposes. You can use bookmarks in many other ways than just flaunting your literary lust in front of your jealous friends and others. You can use bookmarks to memorise the last page number you read, any important portion on a page, any important page number that you would love to revisit again, or any other purpose that demands coming back to a certain page in any book. Flaunting and flashing come in the end.


What kind of bookmark you should buy?

Well, it strictly depends upon your requirements.

Re-stick bookmarks:
If you want bookmarks that can be your tag-sheet or something that you can use to write something about a certain page number, you should use those re-stick bookmarks. Cool, lightweight, cheap (the best part) and these things come in bulk so you don’t have to worry about running out of stock soon… just use them as freely as you want! Interested? You can get some for yourself from Amazon India right now:

Click here or the image to buy from Amazon

Themed bookmarks:
You can buy a whole lot of themed bookmarks on Amazon India. Whether you are a Harry Potter fan or a fan of any other series, you can search for special bookmarks that match your vibe and you are all set! Make your book completely yours with themed bookmarks that match your reading style, genres, imagination and pace. You will find many varieties – science-fiction, spy, thriller, fantasy, dreamy and so on…

Click the image to go to the Amazon Product Page
Click this link or the image to go to the Amazon product page

Special metal bookmarks:
These are my favourites! Offering class, heritage, tradition and an ego-satisfying aura about your book, you will never let go of these bookmarks if you have a collection of quality books in your library. You will always want these decorating the last pages you read in your vintage collections or the latest hardcover that you bought. Don’t you love these beautiful bookmarks already?

Buy this – click here or the image to go to Amazon

Click here or the image to buy from Amazon India

So, what did you like? You can shop all these varieties by clicking on the images or the links that you find below the descriptions for each category. I am always in love with any wonderful thing that closely or even remotely associates with my reading journey. I don’t only collect wonderful books, I collect anything wonderful that I like. And I will be sharing these unique items with you guys more. Enjoy your reading!

By Nishant for Egoistic Readers

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